Danielle (they / them), is an actor, singer, maker and writer based in Brooklyn, NY on Munsee Lenape and Canarsie land.

Born and raised in Oregon, Danielle had a bow hunting and fishing license by age 14 and spent most of their summers in the woods with their dad. Descended from generations of timber workers including their dad who all worked in one of the last company towns in the US, Danielle grew up on Ernest Tubb and Hank Williams records and developed a deep love of folk music, gospel and storytelling. They treasure a small collection of their great-grandpa’s records.

As an artist, Danielle is drawn to stories about truth and connection. A queer person and survivor of the fundamental pentecostal evangelical church where they did not have a science class until high school, they are an active advocate of healing from religious trauma and are particularly interested in stories about the intersection of queerness and religion. A grateful member of Actor’s Equity, Danielle is ardently invested in queer artists telling our own stories in safe and supported spaces.

A sustainable fashion industry advocate, Danielle makes all of their own clothes and is passionate about garment workers’ rights and climate justice through the radical reimagining of the textile industry. They are a supporter and student of the Slow Factory Foundation and The OR Foundation.


Holy The Firm: Eternity and Forgiveness in Midnight Mass in Bright Wall/Dark Room

Crafting Our Way Out of Loneliness in Bright Wall/Dark Room